Example: use picklists and manifests to work with a small subset of a large database


Suppose you want to search, compare, or otherwise work with only a small set of genomes from GTDB - perhaps only the ones with "Shewanella" in their name.

sourmash makes this easy!

Start by downloading the GTDB genomic representatives database from the prepared databases.

curl -JLO [https://osf.io/3a6gn/download](https://osf.io/3a6gn/download)

This will download a 1.7 GB file named gtdb-rs207.genomic-reps.dna.k31.zip.

Extract a manifest

Now extract a manifest containing all of the metadata about signatures in this zip file:

sourmash sig manifest gtdb-rs207.genomic-reps.dna.k31.zip  -o gtdb.mf --no-rebuild

(Here, the --no-rebuild just uses the manifest included in the zip file, rather than regenerating it from scratch.)

Use csvtk to extract the name column and then use grep to select only those with Shewanella in their name -

csvtk cut -f name gtdb.mf | grep -i Shewanella > shew.names.csv

You should see that you have 98 matches:

wc -l shew.names.csv 

Make a picklist from the manifest row names

Turn this list into a picklist file by providing a column header:

echo name > shew-picklist.csv
cat shew.names.csv >> shew-picklist.csv

## Get a query signature

sourmash sig grep GCA_002341165 gtdb-rs207.genomic-reps.dna.k31.zip -o shew-query.sig

to pick out just one of the Shewanella signatures, to use as a search query.

Search using the picklist

Now you can search just the Shewanella genomes using the picklist:

sourmash search shew-query.sig gtdb-rs207.genomic-reps.dna.k31.zip --picklist shew-picklist.csv:name:name

This is much faster than searching the entire database (which contains 66k signatures) as long as you know you just want to search that specific list of Shewanella genomes.

Note: You could use just the space-delimited identifiers as a picklist, too, by using ident as the column type in the argument to --picklist, above. Please see the picklist docs for details.


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